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Roberto Rocca Education Program

Roberto Rocca Education Program applications for the 2019 Fellowships

The Roberto Rocca Education Program is now accepting applications for the 2019 Fellowships, for Ph.D. or Master degree studies in selected fields of Engineering.


The Program For talented university graduates from selected countries, the Program offers fellowships to help fund studies towards the Ph.D. or Master degree in specific fields of study
Beneficiaries Exceptional university graduates from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico, Romania and Uruguay who will pursue or are pursuing Ph.D. or Master degree. studies at a university of the student’s choosing outside his or her home country.
Disciplines Engineering: Materials, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Petroleum and Data Science
Period Fellowships are awarded for a period of 2 years and may be used for tuition, fees and living expenses.
Application period It is currently open, until January 15th 2019.
Application website Link
Program’s website http://www.robertorocca.org/en/fellowships.aspx
Contact email info@robertorocca.org

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